Saturday, April 16, 2011

MIX 2011: WCF, OData, MVC, and MEF Highlighted Presentations

MIX 11 has finished. Here are the presentations that I will be "diving into" more quickly than others.

My Summary of Summaries:

The topics below caught my eye as priority because:
  • They build upon OData, and thus upon Atom and REST . REST is the foundational architecture of the WWW, and is still not widely understand throughout the entire development industry
    • I'm likely to be joining a large project that will be providing enterprise wide alerting, notification, and reporting capabilities to X number of organizational sub-units. It's critical that interfaces to such services be simple, document-based, and that output data be consumable by end-user tools like Excel. OData support is "baked in" to the latest Office products and into Sharepoint 2010.
  • Regarding MVC and MEF: these two technologies are critical for modular, extensible web applications on the .NET platform. Being able to deploy sub-units independent of an independent application architecture is critical both for ease of maintenance and extensibility, but is also important in highly secure environments that require rigorous application scanning for security threats.
That's more than enough from me. I'll let the experts Castro and Block elaborate :)

Scott Guthrie's key-note, naturally:

Why: because it's The Gu. Period. Full-stop.

Pablo Castro on OData Roadmap: Powering the Next Generation of Services:


At home and work, the way we experience the web (share, search and interact with data) is undergoing an industry-changing paradigm shift from "the web of documents" to the "web of data" which enables new data-driven experiences to be easily created for any platform or device. Come to this session to see how OData is helping to enable this shift through a hands-on look at the near term roadmap for the Open Data Protocol and see how it will enable a new set of user experiences. From support for offline applications, to hypermedia-driven UI and much more, join us in this session to see how OData is evolving based on your feedback to enable creating immersive user experiences for any device.

OData Roadmap: Exposing any Data Source as an OData Service:


Many of the popular OData services, including Netflix, Twitpic and Facebook Insights were built by reusing their existing web API with an OData service. Implementing this type of OData service is not simple but it's also not as hard as you might think. In this session, you'll learn how to build similar services that wrap different types of data sources using the WCF Data Services Toolkit. We'll take a look at the implementations for several of the popular services as examples of how to use the toolkit to create new OData services.


So you have a team of developers… And a nice architecture to build on… How about making that architecture easy for everyone and getting developers up to speed quickly? Learn all about integrating the managed extensibility framework and ASP.NET MVC for creating loosely coupled, easy to use architectures that anyone can grasp.

OData in Action: Connecting Any Data Source to Any Device


We are collecting more diverse data than ever before and at the same time undergoing a proliferation of connected devices ranging from phone to the desktop, each with its own requirements. This can pose a significant barrier to developers looking to create great end-to-end user experiences across devices. The OData protocol ( was created to provide a common way to expose and interact with data on any platform (DB, No SQL stores, web services, etc). In this code heavy session we'll show you how Netflix, EBay and others have used OData and Azure to quickly build secure, internet-scale services that power immersive client experiences from rich cross platform mobile applications to insightful BI reports.

Glen Block on WCF Web Apis: There's an URI for That:


Web application developers today are facing new challenges around how to expose data and services. The cloud, move to devices, and shift toward browsers are all placing increasing demands on surfacing such functionality in a web-friendly manner. WCF's Web API makes it easy for developers to expose their services and data to a broad set of clients and to take advantage of rich emerging web standards like Web Sockets.