This is a very cool project from Microsoft Research:
I'm able to use this to "fake" or "mock" sealed classes inside of the ASP.NET runtime.
For example:
public void WhenCannotInterpretSdnUserKeyAsIntegerThenMustRedirectToGlobalErrorPageWithProperMessage()
// Arrange
var cookies = new HttpCookieCollection { new HttpCookie(SdnUserKeyCookieName, "Gibberish") };
var context = new MHttpContext();
var request = new MHttpRequest();
var response = new MHttpResponse();
var redirectWasCalled = false;
var redirectedToLocation = string.Empty;
var responseEnded = false;
response.RedirectStringBoolean = (string location, bool endResponse) =>
redirectWasCalled = true;
redirectedToLocation = location;
responseEnded = endResponse;
MHttpContext.CurrentGet = () => context;
context.RequestGet = () => request;
context.ResponseGet = () => response;
request.CookiesGet = () => cookies;
// Act
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual("/Error.aspx", redirectedToLocation, true);
How cool is that? The moles are implemented as "detours" and replace components of the runtime when configured to do so.
This is great stuff.
Google Willow Sets New Quantum Supremacy Milestone
12 hours ago
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